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    NIGHT’S DOMINION season 2 #4!!!

    While I was so busy with my Kickstarter campaign, I almost forgot about my other series, NIGHT’S DOMINION! Season 2 #4 is coming out TODAY! Check your local comic shops!  Diamond order code SEP171796 NIGHT’S DOMINION is my other current obsession. I have an epic series of adventures planned. I may take a break from the series once this season finishes out at issue 8. But stay tuned for more. The tales of Umber and many.

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    HEROINES Kickstarter is Now Live!

    My Heroines Kickstarter is LIVE!  https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/evildead2/ted-naifehs-heroines-the-graphic-novel?ref=email Please go to the campaign page and take a look.  There are many tiers and goodies to consider. I’m very excited and a little terrified about my very first Kickstarter. Fingers crossed it goes well and this beautiful book can come into being! 

  • Blog Post

    Kickstarter Countdown

    The Heroines Kickstarter campaign launches to November 28th! It’s four days away. Don’t forget to check back right away. I’m hoping for a strong first 24 hours! I will post a link when the project goes live!  Thanks in advance! 

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    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ted Naifeh To Kickstarter Heroines Graphic Novel Courtney Crumrin Author Campaigns for New Superhero Graphic Novel (November 7, 2017 – Bellingham, WA) – Ted Naifeh, creator of Princess Ugg and Courtney Crumrin, is set to launch a Kickstarter in partnership with Space Goat Publishing for his latest passion project, Heroines. The campaign will focus on the Heroines graphic novel — a digest-size, perfect-bound collection of all eight issues of Heroines totaling over 200 pages of content. It will be published under Space Goat’s Backpack Editions. “All my life, I’ve been a fan of superheroes in one form or another,” said creator Ted Naifeh. “And I’ve always wanted…

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    New York Comic Con 2017

    New York Comic Con is this weekend! I’ll be at Artist Alley table K13! Find a map to artist alley HERE. Drop by for books, commissions and prints! I’ll have limited copies of the HEROINES V1 pocket edition!