Podcast Interviews!

I gave two interviews over Skype last week for two different podcasts, and they’re both up now.

Matt Fischer had me on his Life Leave Me Alone podcast, and we discuss comics for girls, Alan Moore’s genius and grumpiness, the pop music of our youth, and what kind of tie I like.

The interview starts at the 44:00 minute mark. For those with tender ears, Be warned Mr. Fischer swears like a sailor. NSFW
Life Leave Me Alone episode 48: The Vest and Tie Game w/Ted Naifeh

Just out today is a much more on topic interview with Wayne Hall at Major Spoilers, where we discuss Princess Ugg in depth, the advantages and opportunities for experimentation in comics that aren’t available in mainstream media, the challenges of being a man writing books about girls that boys will like too, and the future of the series.

Wayne is a gentleman, and keeps this interview classy and safe for work.
MajorSpoilers.com Wayne’s Comics Podcast #136: Ted Naifeh